1 min readOct 14, 2020

Customer-driven agile teams should keep the sprint length stable by the way it provides many benefits from consistency. There are many main issues that increase sprint length. But stable sprint lengths make that sprint planning become easier.

Today’s agile teams know who’s the Boss on the company: The Customer! Being customer-driven means that everyone in the company should communicate with customers allows teams to define, understand and prioritize on user complex problems. Being customer-driven companies can iterate quickly and build the solutions that customer needs.

However, if project requirements are not well defined, major changes are expected in the near future or new priorities are coming every day that makes to increase and endless the sprint length. When sprint lengths vary, team members are often a little unsure of the schedule. “Are we ready to ship”, “Is this the last week?” and “Do we ship this Friday or next Friday?” become common questions in the team members. Whatever the cause, longer sprints are unlikely to be a solution.

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